Here's part three...enjoy! Wow..look at those cool Amazon ads popping up. I wonder if you do your Amazon shopping via the link from my site, if that would generate any income. Hmmmm. :)
52. For awesome little netbooks won at work. For cool leaders who try to make a crappy job tolerable or even fun with prizes and recognition. It works. I can haz the ipad next please? Or the Volkswagen Jetta? I DID sell 7 today. Just sayin’. Top seller of 100+ reps today.
53. For cool friends who advertise my blog and tell people to read it and click on occasional ads. Every little bit helps and feeds my ever-needy ego.
54. For my husband. Somehow, I found the one man on the planet who understands my particular brand of crazy, and I married him. He’s amazing. When he’s not immersed in his own particular brand of crazy..but I love him then too. He’s peachy.
55. For my layoff. I don’t always feel this way, but it’s Thanksgiving week, and my new employer realizes that family time is important, and valuable and they sent us home to be with our loved ones. With 4 days off. Disney says “Suck it up and be grateful that you work for the number one theme park in the world.” Choke on a turkey bone today, Mickey. You used to close Disneyland on the occasional day of the week and holiday. That would be SOO refreshing now, but it will never happen.
56. For bowling. You class-less, white-trash past time. You are always fun when I finally get around to playing, you never change, except for the occasional technological advancement to the scoring system. My kids are always enthralled, and yet you smell like beer and cigarettes. It’s a conundrum.
57. For the Jungle Cruise. Because in the above item, I wanted to put “It’s a paradox”. I miss you, Skippers. Also Pirates, Carpet salespeople *snickers at name*, Riverboaters, Hoppers, and Mansion maids and butlers. If there was a job I’d take for the rest of my life, it would be as your leader. With certain people tarred and feathered and away from Disney, of course. Let me know when this happens, please.
58. For quiet test trips on the Riverboat. For Robert Brauchler, who was always willing to chat with me, but also respected my silence when I NEEDED that quiet test trip.
59. For Emmalie. Always always always a big personality. Whether Angry, Happy or Sweet, she does it ALL the way. She was a cruise ship souvenir, the best one I ever had. She’s a loving big sister, a member of the Harry Potter-Lady Gaga-Percy Jackson fan club. She’s got a gravelly voice, which reminds me of a 73 year old smoker, but she’s 3. Always a crack up.
60. For Adam Lambert. Because when singing along with “If I had you”, this 39 year old, fat mother of 6 feels cool and hip. Life is a party, it’s ecstasy!
61. For finding awesome deals. Koda the ride-on dinosaur: $400 retail. Not selling, so discounted to $200. Two weeks before Christmas, $99. SCORE 1 for the Kimball parents for waiting! The girls promptly renamed him Cupcake and someone rides him nearly every day. His battery lasted almost 2 years. He’s now a silent dinosaur, because we are too lazy to change the battery. I resolve (is it that time already??) to figure out how to change his battery this weekend.
62. For Discovery Toys. Oh, DT, what a love affair I’ve had with you for 18 mind-blowing years. There are at least 15 toys in this house that belonged to Alex, and then Bethanie, and then Casadie and then Delanie, and then Emmalie and now or soon to be Fynnlie’s. You make amazing things and I love you. Even when I can’t really sell your toys to people, because inexplicably, they’d rather pay for junk at wal-mart or on craigslist and have it last 6 weeks. You get what you pay for, and you are worth EVERY. DAMN. PENNY.
63. For the Wicked soundtrack. You introduced me to broadway soundtracks that are not Disney, and the “Defying Gravity” song was my F-you to Disney, sung at the top of my lungs for weeks on end after my layoff. It’s also my inspirational ‘get-ready-for-an-interview’ accompaniment.
64. For Tillamook Cheddar Cheese. Oh, you glorious brick of curdled milk, you. HOW do you manage to be heaven on earth? In your shredded form, I’d ditch the peachy husband and marry you. Because I can’t, I’ll settle for occasionally completely over-indulging and shredding nearly a pound of the stuff and eating it with Ruffles. Or stuffed all by itself into a taco shell. Or even sprinkled over spaghetti.
65. A special thank you for Albertson’s for carrying Oregon’s Tillamook Cheese. Just the one type, the one I love. Don’t you DARE close your last damn store in Orlando. I will bring some hate and hurt down on you. Seriously. I need me some cheese.
66. For Irene and the gang. Pregnant with my 6th baby, nobody throws you a baby shower at that point. Apparently, it seems greedy. My philosophy is..keep the gifts, but let’s at least celebrate the new life. What do you people put in your baby books under “shower” for subsequent children? “Not worth welcoming to the world?” Seriously. Irene and the gang threw me a lovely shower for Fynnlie, complete with hand-made scrapbook pages to put in an album for her. Amazing. Very very touched. To the core.
67. For friends with skills. Michael Curatolo Photography…amazing work. He volunteered to do last-minute, desperately needed headshots for Casadie, even though his specialty is lingerie models and fashion photography. Imagine taking your 7 year old to a photographer that specializes in nearly naked women. He was a champ, did a lovely job and I adore the pictures of Casadie. For Terri, also a friend, who pitched in with Casadie’s hair and make-up. You rock, folks!
68. For the Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party Parade. Best. Music. Ever. For. A. Disney. Parade.
69. For best friends. For those no longer in contact, to those newly reconnected, and to those who have lasted nearly a lifetime and those of recent years. You all have loved me at various points in my life, at various levels of crazy and been the crutch or sidekick I needed at the time and forevermore.
70. For my ex-husband. Honestly…thank you for being such an over-the-top asshole for 98% of our marriage. Want to know why I thank you for that? Because it allowed me to recognize Bill for what he is, simply the best man on the planet. Otherwise, I would have taken him for granted, and that would NOT have been cool. (Also, he did supply me with two beautiful kids, so I guess I can get un-snarky here for a minute and be genuine about that.)
71. For my current health. Scary stuff in 2008 definitely makes me appreciate that as much crap as I’ve done to my body over the years..(poor diet and exercise…not drugs, people..sheesh), I’m remarkably healthy and lucky.
72. For my amazing chiropractor. I am NOT exaggerating when I say that he completely restored my quality of life. I envisioned myself in a wheelchair by 45, and spent a great deal of my 30’s enduring extreme pain getting in/out of chairs, cars, toilet stalls, up stairs, down stairs, walking etc. Not only is he a miracle worker, he’s a good friend and I adore him.
73. For Mountains. I’m not joking when I tell my telemarketing customers from the Northwest that I want them to wave at Mt. Hood for me. I miss my damn mountains. All the mountains here have roller coasters running through them, and that’s only cool for a minute.
74. For friends from around the world. Working at Disney brought me into contact with the most diverse group of people I could ever hope to know. From college students to retirees, from Ohio to Britain to China to world is smaller now. Or bigger...not quite sure how that works. But Amy..there's always an opening as a Kimball daughter for you. Or as a daughter-in-law...the boy is legal now!
75. For my husband. I monetized my blog, and he became intrigued, and he’s currently obsessed with trying to decipher all the lingo to placing ads, etc. I’m not allowed to ask you to click on ads, but for the love of god, do Bill a favor and think about it.
Also, leave me some dialogue below. Any of these Thankful things on YOUR list? Any crazy things YOU'RE thankful for that you can share? Let's make this a fun forum for all of you to play in when you stop by!
I clicked on every ad (except Cakewrecks.... it wouldn't let me)! Oh Jen ... you make me laugh .. literally out loud, at my computer, while I read your blog! I am getting to know the 40 year old Jen and still see so much of the 17 year old high school Jen too! I can't wait until the entire Kimball family is back to the Northwest and we can laugh over coffee instead of the computer!
<3 U!
Aww, thanks Becca! That will be really nice to get to catch up in person!
We're really thinking about trying to arrange a long vacation to Oregon next summer. I want Casadie to go to Summer camp at Camp Silver Creek, and I want to be there for drop-off and pick up. Plus do all the other must-dos...Enchanted Forest, the beach, go to Bellingham to visit relatives...the works!
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