24.For digital cameras. I used to take 6-7 rolls of film per major event/vacation day. Bless you, you 10+ megapixel creation and your endless take/delete/store/upload capabilities. Shutterbugs like me rejoice.
25.For scrapbooking. A hobby beyond compare. Creative, but can be mindless fun when I need it…I get to look at fun, beautiful, meaningful pictures in a creative way forever, and justify “me” time while creating the layouts. I love midnight crops.
26.For Piktails scrapbook store and Debbie. You are a junkie’s dream. The methlab of scrapbooking. You have everything. Or can get it. And teach me how to use it. And you let me work there. I love you.
27. For Harry Potter. You came into my life as my oldest children were beginning to veer off into their own interests. We can always connect over a good stupefy spell, plot point, or midnight opening. Thank you for continuing to entertain, so my little girls can know you in the same way. I’d adopt you, Harry. Can you save some Obliviate spells for me and a few selected targets??
28. For blue-ray technology. My husband is extremely hard to shop for. You give me new opportunities. May the lord bless the smart ones with newer technologies so I always have the chance to upgrade dear hubby’s collection of superhero movies.
29. For my mother. You are amazing. You are always there. You lend an ear, a hug, a wallet, etc. We never want for anything that is truly needed. My children are blessed to have you and your frequent flier card in their lives.
30. For my own grandparents. At nearly 40, I have been extraordinarily lucky to know my grandparents (save one) from childhood into my adult years. I have lost 3 grandfathers at this point in my life, and I’m lucky to have loved them enough to feel true suffering at their loss. I am grateful to still have my wonderful grandmothers, and love them endlessly. I’ll tack on some specific thanks here, for my Grandpa Gardner. No longer with us, he taught me many amazing things, like how to find and enjoy a securt (secret) trail, how to grow a giant pumpkin, how liberry is actually pronounced and that babies fall of the sky during a baby shower, and that’s how you pick yours out. Thanks for giving me that dance, and for telling me to follow my dream and my man to Florida. If you hadn’t given me your blessing, and promised to be my safety net, I might not have gone.
31. For my dear husband. He is still driving, and letting me write. He’s still peachy.
32. For his earlobes. He will hate me for saying this, but tugging his earlobe is a massive stress reliever for me. I am thankful that he recognizes the need to stand still and let me do it.
33. For Bethanie. A teenager, she is anything but typical. She has stepped up this year, and (mostly) without complaint, babysits endlessly for free so that Bill and I can concentrate on getting our finances back in order. She deserves a medal. After she finishes the dishes. Oh Cinderellaaaa!
34. For the IRS. Thank you for auditing us just two months after dual layoffs. Our $1200 bill for a small mistake in 2007 was just the whipped cream topping we needed. Yes, I’m being snarky. You sons of bitches.
35. For Cakewrecks. I can waste DAYS on that site. Ah-mazing. Pee-your-pants hilarious. She’s a nerd, a geek, a lover of cake. She’s ME. And yet not me. Cakewrecks.com. Get some.
36. For I-4 being mostly empty at 11:12pm on the night before Thanksgiving. At least from Orlando to Lakeland. We thought we’d take hours to get Alex picked up.
37. For USF. I gave you my son, you are turning him into a strong, independent, social creature I’ve never met before. Kind of joking, but honestly…I’m impressed. He loves it, and is wildly successful there. High Five, Bulls.
38. For my 7th telemarketing sale today. (Wednesday) Aimee so-and-so..I salute you. You paid $99 for your vacation to Orlando, and it bumped me up a tier in my commissions, earning me an extra $350 bucks. I love you.
39. For Christmas lights. You crazy kids that get them up the day after Halloween are kind of cool. I enjoy them.
40. For Casadie. She is unique. There’s a quality there that you can’t put your finger on. She’s magnetic. Everyone loves her, and she loves everyone. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s fun to watch.
41. For the support Thomas Hawes and Leora Gallamore gave me at Guest Correspondence. I loved that job, but wanted to spread my wings. Without their support, I would never have met the wonderful Cast Members that I led in the Call Center or in Adventureland/Liberty Square.
42. For Walery’s Pizza in Salem, Oregon. Perfection on a pizza pan. You were cheap when I lived next to you and was poor. Dinner on many nights was 6.99. Now that I’m far away, and poor, I’d still pay $100 for one good, hot pepperoni pizza. Stay open forever. Pretty please.
43. For cousins. I had only one sibling, but lots of playmates several times a year. My own kids lack cousins, probably a reason that we have so many. We have a built-in extended family for down the road. My grandchildren will eventually have trillions of cousins/2nd cousins, etc. Yay for giant Christmas get-togethers!
44. For my husband and his similar philosophy on our family size: “Why not?” *chuckle* (Honestly. That IS how the conversation goes.) Bwaahaaahaha.
45. For Viksingers Jazz Choir in High School. Hated high school, but for those two years, at 6:45 in the morning, I was part of something cool. We rocked. (or jazzed..whatever)
46. For my ridiculous imagination. I can take a small event possibility and extrapolate it out to the extreme. Like how when I win a giant lottery..YOU have an invitation to join us on our chartered cruise. This may or may not involve a special exclusive performance by Garth Brooks, who will do it because he’s in love with me, but knows that I am happily married, so will do it just to please me and love me from afar. Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner will join him on stage, shirtless. All staring at me, intensely.
47. For my husband. Who gets a chuckle out of me staring at a shirtless Robert Pattinson/Taylor Lautner. Who says “You’re going to buy that magazine aren’t you?” and shakes his head. He’s peachy.
48. For the sign on I-4 on the way to Tampa that says: “Alexander Street.” Because I’m going to Tampa to pick up MY Alexander, this always makes me giggle. I’m usually giddy with exhaustion, but I do crack myself up.
49. For Delanie. Beautiful girl, thoughtful girl, matter of fact girl. Dramatic Girl, Shy girl. My one-of-a kind dark-haired girl. My Delanie-cakes. Your concern about me being fat is both touching and insulting. Grow out of that, would you? Mommy loves you, but she also loves Spaghetti with butter. Sue me.
50. For Spaghetti with butter. Almost forgot that one. Have to thank my Mom for serving it to me as a child. It’s a simple pleasure, and makes me officially a cheap date. Albeit a picky one.
51. For you, dear reader. Halfway there! (and then some!) More to come tomorrow!
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