Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Emmalie's Story

My girls are blessed with a creative streak, as are many children.  I'm blessed with a blog with which to subject you all to that creativity.  Emmalie narrated a story to Bethanie today, after watching her sisters do stories for school.  What follows is a keeper.

"I love all of my family", by Emmalie Kimball; age 5

Emmalie and Beth went on a walk with all my family.  We got some ice cream and we found a garage sale to get a pillow.  And we went on a sleepover with Uncle Jerry. Only two people, it was me and Delanie. We watched Sharkboy and Lavagirl and read a book and did a puzzle.  And then all of us went ice skating and we watched the Grinch steal Christmas one more time before we leave. And we went to Florida to go on all the rides. And Alex came too. And all of us drew pictures and played a game (Sorry). We played Chutes and ladders and we slept with Casadie and Mom. Fynnlie was sleeping with us. We found spacemen in the sky. And we put the puzzle away. And then my pencil broke and Mommy fixed it. It was a pencil with an eraser. And we watched Ned's Declassified. And we draw pictures of anything we want. And then we all loved each other. And then we get a lollipop. And then Delanie got hurt. She got a papercut on a box. And Fynnlie was crying and she dumped all the pencils.  Then we draw a car. Wait, I'm not done yet. Then we went on a field trip. It was Disney and Universal to get a milkshake. And then was a bird come onto our house to eat all of it.  Then we got all our money to go to the theater. We saw a unicorn and Daddy went to a vampire movie. Daddy said "AAAH!" and went to our unicorn movie. Daddy got stuck and all our family was stuck and a girl was helping us. We got out. Our car got stuck in the mud. And the guy said "No drawing on the car!" and then he said "You can draw on the car whenever you want." It was  a police officer. He said "Fine, you win." We said "Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah!"  And we played Peanut Butter and Jelly together. We lived happily ever after and we made dresses for everyone. Daddy got a suit and a tie. We played chess.

The end.

Emmalie will provide signed autographs of this masterful compilation of memories for the low-low-price of 5.99.plus shipping and handling. No sales tax!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Motherhood: Addicted to Love

There are so many moments that make up the experience we call motherhood.  There are "awww" moments, where the little special snowflakes snuggle up and say something very sweet, like "Mommy, I love to snuggle witch you."  Those make-your-heart-melt moments that we all live for, right??  I have a house of 5 girls, and I get plenty of those moments.  Someone always wants a snuggle.

There are the "Doh!" moments, too, that translate into something like this: "Mommy, you have such pretty brown eyes..they are the same color as my poop!" or..."I love your big boobies Mommy, they're squishy!" which is usually accompanied by the speaker pounding on them mightily in order to achieve maximum bounce.

Also, there are the unfortunate and frequent "ARGH!" moments when you are so angry and frustrated at something the snowflake said or did that you are strongly considering reverse International adoption, and you're about to speed-dial Angelina Jolie. These are the moments when you wish Nebraska (?) or whatever state that was, hadn't repealed their ill-advised 'drop off your unwanted child' law that neglected to specify age, resulting in sullen teenagers from neighboring states being left at hospitals and police stations all across the state.  Some of these moments include: "I'm sorry I gave Fynnlie a permanent marker to play with Mommy.  She drew on the kitchen floor with it.  Well, I kind of helped.  Actually, it was all me, Fynnlie was sleeping.  See how I drew a picture of YOU Mommy? I made you with some squishy boobies."

All of these ring familiar with Moms across the nation.  But let's explore what happens when they all flash-bang together in the middle of the night.  When Aww, Doh! and ARGH! collide. It's the trifecta of Mommy moments, and though rare, is a unique and special part of parenting, so you must be watchful.

The scene: It's 12:00 midnight.  I was going to write 11:30, so I didn't look like such a horrific parent, but then I said, what the hell, I'm all in.  So it's midnight (ok..1:00am, really..) and the girls had stayed up late (you think?) watching Prince Caspian.  Casadie (8 years old) was bopping back and forth between the movie and the schoolroom, where she was trying to bang out some schoolwork that she had been working on all day.  So the movie is over, the little girls stumble blindly toward bed, and Casadie is all smiles.  She begs to sleep with me in my bed (Daddy works the night shift) and I decline, telling her Mommy needs a night without an elbow/foot/knee/4 fingers and a toe slamming into her side/back/face.  Casadie's face falls. Then brightens. She decides to "clean up the living room" before she goes to bed.  I decline, and point her toward the stairs.  She heads up. She comes back down to hug me. (aww, moment).  She goes back up.  She comes back down to tell me I forgot her vitamin, again. (Doh! moment) She goes back up.  She comes back down to ask me if tomorrow we can play Dad's electronic battleship game. (ARGH moment!)  "GO TO BED!!!!" I scream.  She deflates, and slowly...ever so slowly... plods her way up the stairs in dramatic fashion.  Several long minutes later, I see her standing quietly on the landing....

I'm building up to a 'OMGIMAKILLYOU' moment, when she speaks softly.  "Mommy..? I don't know what it is..I think I'm just..I don't know...addicted to you! I can't be away from you!" (aww, moment)  I allow the hug, knowing that I'm being manipulated, but loving every second. After all, she's in that sweet spot of 8 years old, where for now, snuggling with Mom is still cool. It won't be long before BOP magazine (is that still in print??) and other such teenybopper things will consume her life and I'll be dropped like a limp piece of broccoli.  She continues. "It's like..it's like..well, it's like you're a drug. Kind of like how, you know, you were addicted to Diet Coke, and now you're addicted to Spaghetti and you know, it kind of makes you fat..." (Doh! moment)  "It's like that, and you're my..my..my sugar, I think. I'm addicted to your sugar, and I need to spend lots of time with you.  (awww, moment)  We snuggle and hug for a few minutes, and she looks slyly up at me, sees me tearing up a wee bit, and says: "That makes you feel good, right? NOW can I sleep in your bed??" (ARGH! Moment!!!) She got an "A" for effort, a not-as-gentle-as-it-should-have-been love pat on the butt, and a smiled admonishment to stay in bed.  I went to bed, confused as usual.  Motherhood. It's tagline could be: "This is your heart.  This is your heart on crack."

So what are some of YOUR awww, Doh! and Argh! moments?  Any "OMGIMAKILLYOU" moments you want to share? Anyone interested in a shared roadtrip to Nebraska, and see if they're still allowing the sullen teenager dropoffs?